Morning Church meets at 4 Waratah Street Engadine every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30am. You’ll find us opposite Engadine Public School, just along from Cornerstone Cafe.

We are a large multi-generational congregation with excellent kids and youth programs. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a believer, seeker or sceptic.

Pastors: James Warren, Brodie Cutmore (Families), Dan Bishop (Sunday Kids & Youth), with Christine Knobbs (Moore College Student Minister).


9:00-9:15am A prayer group meets in the front ‘Creche Room’.

9:30-10:30am Church meets in the main auditorium

  • Drop off your Creche kids [front room on the LHS of the foyer], Preschool kids [back hall] and Primary School kids [side hall] to their programs

  • Youth meet in the foyer and then walk across to Engadine Public School with their leaders.

  • There are 2 ‘Nursery Rooms’, with an audio feed, where you can sit, if you’d like to feed your baby or sit with a small child.

10:30am+ Morning Tea at the front of the property.