Financially giving is the privilege and responsibility of every believer, and something we do as “one body” - ie some give more and some give less, as we are enabled by God.
Guide to giving
Who gives?
Engadine and Heathcote Anglican Church is financially provided for entirely by the generosity of our members. We don’t receive any ‘central money’ from the Anglican Diocese. In fact, in reverse - a small part (2%) of our giving goes to help set up new churches in new growth areas, like Stanhope Gardens, Oran Park, Leppington and the new suburbs being built around the second Sydney airport.
Why do we give?
We give because …
God has been so generous to us in Jesus - Though He was rich, for your sake Jesus became poor, so that by His poverty you might become rich.(2 Cor 8:9).
We want to be partners in God’s eternal work -“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Mt 6:19-20).
All our money comes from God - “But who am I [asked by king David], and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand” (1 Chr 29:14).
Giving is part of our worship of God - [Your financial contribution is] a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God (Phil 4:18).
How much should I give?
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor 9:6-7).
The New Testament never names a specific amount we should give. Rather, it tells us to be generous in proportion to our income and models being systematic/regular (1 Cor 16:1-2). This means that a widow’s coin can be more generous than a rich person’s gift (Lk 21:1-4).
God wants our giving to be cheerful and generous.
In the Old Testament, God’s people gave a tithe (10%) of their income back to Him (Lev 27:30). An additional tithe was given every three years to support the poor, and the Israelites also gave free will offerings to God above and beyond the tithe. In background: this was a provision so that each family did not need to give up their first born son, instead this money supported the Levites serving in their place (Ex 13:11-15, 22:29, 34:20, Num 3:41, 8:16-18). The firstborn given over to God indicates that the whole family (100%) is for God. 10% was to indicate the 100% of what’s given over to God.
In the New Testament, the principle of sacrificial generosity replaces the principle of tithing. Rather than being commanded to give 10%, Christians are called to generosity in response to God’s grace in Jesus Christ. This is not a lowering of the bar, but a removing of the bar.
The ‘tithe’ is still a useful benchmark, but - like in the Old Testament - it is more properly understood as a starting point for generosity.
Our giving is a matter of prayerful consideration before God. Given our fallen hearts, we need his Spirit’s help to be generous, and talking with wise brothers and sisters can also be very helpful.
Where should I give?
As a starting point, we suggest:
90% of giving to church
Above and beyond general giving, members are also encouraged to consider supporting our MTS “ministry training apprentices”, as an investment in gospel mission.
Our Church has 2 Funds
1. Ministry Fund (inc. MTS)
This is the main Parish Account for General Giving. It pays for the ministry team, office staff and running costs.
Name of Account: St Georges Anglican Parish Engadine – General Parish Account
BSB: 032 153
Account No: 266 439
Within this account is also money that has been given to to pay our MTS (Ministry Training Strategy) apprentices. To give to MTS, please use the tag line “MTS” .
2. SRE Fund
This is a smaller account which pays for Scripture teaching in our 7 local schools. SRE = Special Religious Education
Name of Account: St Georges Anglican Parish Engadine – SRE Donation
BSB: 032 153
Account No: 266 447
The SRE Fund is tax deductible. Note your name in the reference box so the Treasurer can issue you a receipt.
Methods of Giving
Debit/Credit/EFT - Arrange with your employer or bank to make regular or one-off amounts into the 2 accounts. Under 'Reference', please include your name. This method of giving is very helpful for our church cashflow.
Cheque/Cash - Cheques and cash gifts can be placed in the “Foyer Boxes” in the Engadine and Heathcote foyer areas. - Give using giving feature here
Talk further?
If you are new to giving, you might like to chat to our Wardens or Treasurer (reach out to We encourage you to ask any questions you might have. We are committed to financial transparency.